Jumat, 31 Desember 2010

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Websites can reach page one in SERPS through social media searches Source: Websites can reach page one in SERPS through social media searches

Posted: 31 Dec 2010 06:10 PM PST

The world of online marketing was dominated by social media in 2010 and it seems that social media will still have a big impact on SEO in 2011, this time focusing on how search engines treat information gathered from social media searches.

As Search Engine Watch explains, even if Google and Bing factor the influence of social media into their algorithms, it doesn't have any effect on the actual rank of SERPs.
Frank Watson commentator for Search Engine Watch, argues that the actual results haven't changed in any major way when you look at sites that have fully embraced social media. However, it has a significant impact when it comes to searches that include results from people in a social circle. The results are pulled from people connected through social media and the ranking is based on those relationships.
When it comes to an SEO campaign, these social searches could help a website to get on the front page of the SERPs, but it won't have any impact on the actual listings. This means that by manipulating the way a business releases information through social media, they can be seen on the first page without actually ranking on the first page. It won't provide any gains in an SEO campaign in the long term, but will make a brand more visible if it's using social media to share relevant content with their network in a way that maximises being spotted by search engines on networking sites.
This will make the way people manage social media more important in 2011, as the desire to manipulate social search results grows with the influence of these results.

Source: Websites can reach page one in SERPS through social media searches | Search Engine Marketing News

Rethinking the iPhone Threat to AT&T

Posted: 31 Dec 2010 06:01 PM PST

Very soon, maybe by Valentine's Day, Apple (AAPL) will likely host one of its splashy product introductions to announce a new version of the iPhone that works on Verizon's (VZ) network. Customers are expected to stampede to the new pairing, leaving AT&T (T), until now the exclusive U.S. distributor of the iPhone, with an enormous problem.

Like most conventional wisdom, this expectation makes a certain amount of sense. Verizon enjoys a reputation for reliability. AT&T is notorious for dropping calls, especially in densely populated places like New York and San Francisco where iPhones are most common and cell towers get overloaded.

On Dec. 6, Consumer Reports published a survey of 58,000 readers who ranked AT&T as the worst wireless carrier for customer satisfaction—and by an even wider margin than its similarly dismal finish in 2009. The company brought up the rear in quality of calls, access to the Internet, and customer service. "AT&T," noted the Consumer Reports editors, "is now positioned in last place overall and in almost every market we rate."

And yet, while AT&T has reason to worry about losing the lucrative iPhone arrangement it has enjoyed since Apple introduced the device in 2007, the damage may not be as severe as many anticipate. At least initially, Verizon's iPhone may have weaknesses compared to AT&T's. The expense and hassle of changing carriers could also work to AT&T's advantage. "I'm sure some AT&T customers are sufficiently frustrated to switch, but the vast majority are at least happy enough," says Charles S. Golvin, an analyst with Forrester Research in Cambridge, Mass.

Apple's introduction of an iPhone for use on Verizon's network will come sometime after the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in early January, according to a person familiar with Apple's plans who is not authorized to discuss them publicly. Estimates from industry analysts of the resulting number of defections to Verizon from AT&T range from 1 million to 6 million. John Hodulik, an analyst at UBS Securities (UBS), comes in somewhere in the middle. He predicts that AT&T will sell 8.8 million iPhones in 2011, down from 15.6 million in 2010. Of the 13.3 million Hodulik expects Verizon to sell in 2011, about 2.3 million will be to AT&T refugees, he predicts. An additional 10 million will be current Verizon subscribers who upgrade from other devices, and the rest will come from other carriers.

Still, even if AT&T loses more than twice as many customers as Hodulik projects, the carrier will not suffer a fatal blow. If 6 million of its customers defect, the $6 billion in lost annual revenue would amount to about 10 percent of AT&T's wireless sales in 2011, according to UBS projections. The $6 billion would be 4.8 percent of its total projected sales of $126 billion in 2011. AT&T is expected to try to mitigate the damage by promoting iPhone alternatives, such as cheaper devices that use Google's Android mobile software, says Mark Lowenstein, a former Verizon executive who is managing director of consulting firm Mobile Ecosystem.
Other losers in the unfolding iPhone tale may well be rival carriers Sprint Nextel and T-Mobile. There are no indications that Apple intends to make an iPhone for either of them. Without the Apple magic, their subscriber rolls could fall in 2011 by 650,000 and 950,000, respectively, Hodulik says.
AT&T has been getting ready for the day that Apple shares the iPhone with another carrier. Over the past year it has played a carrot-and-stick game with consumers. In part by easing the cost of upgrading to Apple's new iPhone 4, it enticed 15 million of its 23 million iPhone subscribers to sign new two-year contracts.

Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

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7 Cara Menggunakan Lensa Kontak Yang Tepat

Posted: 24 Dec 2010 06:45 PM PST

Tidak sedikit wanita yang beralih dari kacamata ke lensa kontak karena praktis dan tidak menganggu penampilan. Namun, dengan kontak lensa ada banyak hal yang perlu diperhatikan agar terhindar dari masalah mata.

Walau praktis dan tidak menganggu penampilan, lensa kontak memiliki masalah tersendiri jika Anda tidak mengikuti instruksi saat pemakaian dan perawatannya. Berikut tujuh cara yang sebaiknya dilakukan untuk menghindari masalah pada lensa kontak, seperti dikutip dari Health24.

1. Ikuti instruksi dalam membersihkan lensa kontak dengan teliti untuk mencegah terjadinya infekasi pada mata.

2. Cuci tangan hingga bersih dan kering sebelum memegang lensa kontak. Ingatlah untuk tetap menjaga kebersihan tempat lensa kontak dan jangan pernah menggunakan air mentah biasa untuk menyimpan lensa kontak.

3. Jangan digunakan dalam jangka waktu yang lebih lama dari yang dibutuhkan, untuk mengurangi risiko infeksi. Serta jangan lupa untuk melepaskannya saat tidur, karena jika tidak lensa kontak akan kering serta menempel pada mata dan ini berbahaya.

4. Selalu membawa tempat lensa kontak yang berisi cairan khusus dan botol tetes cairan lensa kontak untuk melembabkan mata jika ada keadaan darurat.

5. Mengganti lensa kontak sesuai dengan jangka waktunya.

6. Gunakan lensa kontak sebelum mengaplikasikan make up pada mata untuk mencegah make up masuk ke lensa. Ganti make up setiap 3 sampai 6 bulan untuk mengurangi risiko infeksi.

7. Kunjungi dokter mata secara teratur setidaknya setahun sekali.

Sebaiknya bagi pengguna lensa kontak selalu membawa kacamata, sebagai cadangan jika suatu saat lensa kontak yang digunakan jatuh atau robek saat akan melepaskannya atau memakainya.

Jika saat menggunakan lensa kontak merasa tidak nyaman, timbul kemerahan atau penglihatan menjadi berbayang, maka segera lepas lensa kontak tersebut. Dan jika gejala ini masih terus berlangsung beberapa jam setelah lensa kontak dilepas, segera konsultasikan dengan dokter mata untuk mengetahui penyebabnya.

Olla Ramlan Tolak Job Demi Keluarga Untuk Natal dan Tahun Baru

Posted: 24 Dec 2010 06:41 PM PST

Jakarta Sebagai presenter yang tengah naik daun, Olla Ramlan selalu disibukkan dengan jadwal kegiatan yang padat. Demi keluarga, ia pun menolak untuk menerima tawaran pekerjaan saat libur tahun baru.

"Nggak terima job. Tawaran sih ada, tapi nggak diambil buat menghabiskan waktu sama anak dan keluarga," ujarnya saat ditemui di studio RCTI, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, Jumat (24/12/2010) malam.

Presenter kelahiran Banjarmasin, 15 Februari 1980 itu ingin menghabiskan waktunya untuk liburan bersama anaknya, Sean. Apalagi setelah dirinya diceraikan secara agama oleh suaminya, Alex Tian, Olla ingin memberikan perhatian yang lebih untuk anak semata wayangnya itu.

Menyambut 2011, Olla ingin mengintrospeksi diri atas kekurangannya selama satu tahun kebelakang. Presenter 'DahSyat' itu ingin menjadi individu yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya.

"Dalam kondisi saya seperti ini banyak yang harus diperbaiki. Sebisa mungkin menghabiskan waktu sama dia," tutur pemilik nama lengkap Febiolla Ramlan itu.


Jumat, 17 Desember 2010

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Cheat PB Point Blank 18 Desember 2010 DevouT_Injector

Posted: 17 Dec 2010 02:32 PM PST

Cheat PB Point Blank 18 Desember 2010 DevouT_Injector - sekarang Saya akan Update Cheat PB Point Blank 18 Desember 2010 DevouT_Injector.

Cheat PB Point Blank 18 Desember 2010 DevouT_Injector

<> Buka PB Launcher
<> Buka DevouT_Injecot V.1.0
<> Klik Select Dll for Inject
<> Pilih 5nutzeR X.1.dll
<> Klik Inject
<> START PB nya

==> Fitur <==

INSERT = MiniMize ( On. )
DELETE = MiniMize ( Off )
F1 = WallShot ( On. )
F2 = WallShot ( Off )
F3 = BoomBers ( On. )
F4 = BoomBers ( Off )

Cara Pakai Bomberman :
Didalam Game Klik F3 ( bomberman ON ) setelah 3x lempar granade langsung klik F4 ( Bomberman OFF ) <<< Rentan DC

Cara Pakai Wallshoot :
Tekan F1 >>> Play Game >>>> Loading Room/game >>>> Tekan F2 Kalau tidak akan DC/Disconnect

Cara Penggunaan Minimize :
Tekan INSERT >>>> Simple minimize >>>>>Saat Balik waktu Loading hitam Tekan F2.....

Timing waktu yg tepat tidak akan menyebabkan Bt

DOWNLOAD Cheat PB Point Blank 18 Desember 2010 DevouT_Injector

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Cheat Point Blank PB 18122010 SA REPECK

Posted: 17 Dec 2010 02:24 PM PST

Cheat Point Blank PB 18122010 SA REPECK -  untuk edisi kali ini adalah Cheat Point Blank PB 18122010 SA REPECK

Cheat Point Blank PB 18122010 SA REPECK

Walshhot :home
walshoot :end
bomberman :f1
minimmze : insert
minimize : delete
spion mode : f9
hack misi xmass : f11
reset card :f12

Cara pakai hack misi xmas
-pilih room yang sudah play
-buka jendela misi click msi card pertama x-mass
-tutup jendela misi
-selesaikan misi dengan melempar bomb 3x atau bsa gunakan ftur bomberman
-ketika permainan selesai akan (exit game),ingat! jangan klik ok atau enter biarkan aja dulu jangan tekan apa2 sampai permainan berakhir
-buka lagi jendela misi, 10000% pasti 'exit game' 
- kembali login char tadi
- buka jendela misi
- selesaikan dulu kartu yang belum lengkap 
-misi complete dan kamu mendapatkan topi X-MASS 
-silahkan reset misi untuk mendapatkan topi X-Mass yang lebih banyak
- dan ulangi tutor di atas ok ok CAPE KANG NUGALNGIN 

DOWNLOAD Cheat Point Blank PB 18122010 SA REPECK

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