Jumat, 26 April 2024

About your purchase of Advertising on Anoox not completed

This is an automatically generated email. Please do not reply to it.


We noticed the other day you started buying Advertising for your Site
but did not complete the purchase!

Why Not! After all, if you want More Traffic and Sales for your Site, you really have 3 Choices:
1- Spend 1000s per Month on Google™, Facebook™, etc. Big Wall Street Media - Great for them not so Good for you
2- Hope and pray that by some Osmosis people will find your Site on the Ocean of Sites that is the World Wide Web
3- Advertise on Anoox the only non-profit Search engine & Social network - BOOST your Site while SAVING BIG on Advertising costs

So GO ahead start your Advertising campaign on Anoox network Today, knowing with FULL confidence this is your Best Buy in Advertising
if you are a Small business. Top reasons this is the Best Buy in Advertising for your Site:

1- Reach Millions of Potential Customers, when they are looking for what you are offering
2- SAVE 50 to 95% on Cost of Advertising, since we are the only non-profit Search engine & Social network Collective
3- FREE to display your Ads - Only pay for Clicks on your Ads for qualified people to come to your Site

*** Cancel any time if you do not find this to be the BEST VALUE in Advertising for your Business - BAR NONE ***
*** We been in business for 10+ Years, putting small businesses 1st - so you know we are a name you can TRUST ***

To Start your Advertising campaign on Anoox to BOOST your Site Traffic while SAVING BIG on Advertising costs, please go here:

And here is another reason to start your Advertising campaign on Anoox network Today - Get 20% Off, by using Customer Code:
NOTE: this is Limited Time offer, expiring within 48 Hours of receiving this email.

+++ CHANGE where you Advertise to a non-profit Search engine & Social network - CHANGE your Business for BETTER - CHANGE the World for BETTER +++

Anoox is a not-profit-driven organization dedicated to People and Small businesses on Main Street.
Clients and Information Democracy come first for us, not profits & share prices on Wall Street.

Serving the Internet community since 2004 - © All Rights Reserved

Rabu, 24 April 2024

About your purchase of Advertising on Anoox not completed

This is an automatically generated email. Please do not reply to it.


We noticed the other day you started buying Advertising for your Site but did not complete the purchase!

Why Not! After all, if you want More Traffic and Sales for your Site, you really have 3 Choices:
1- Spend 1000s per Month on Google™, Facebook™, etc. Big Wall Street Media - Great for them not so Good for you
2- Hope and pray that by some Osmosis people will find your Site on the Ocean of Sites that is the World Wide Web
3- Advertise on Anoox the only non-profit Search engine & Social network - BOOST your Site while SAVING BIG on Advertising costs

So GO ahead start your Advertising campaign on Anoox network Today, knowing with FULL confidence this is your Best Buy in Advertising
if you are a Small business. Top reasons this is the Best Buy in Advertising for your Site:

1- Reach Millions of Potential Customers, when they are looking for what you are offering
2- SAVE 50 to 95% on Cost of Advertising, since we are the only non-profit Search engine & Social network Collective
3- FREE to display your Ads - Only pay for Clicks on your Ads for qualified people to come to your Site

*** Cancel any time if you do not find this to be the BEST VALUE in Advertising for your Business - BAR NONE ***
*** We been in business for 10+ Years, putting small businesses 1st - so you know we are a name you can TRUST ***

To Start your Advertising campaign on Anoox to BOOST your Site Traffic while SAVING BIG on Advertising costs, please go here:

And here is another reason to start your Advertising campaign on Anoox network Today - Get 20% Off, by using Customer Code:
NOTE: this is Limited Time offer, expiring within 48 Hours of receiving this email.

+++ CHANGE where you Advertise to a non-profit Search engine & Social network - CHANGE your Business for BETTER - CHANGE the World for BETTER +++

Anoox is a not-profit-driven organization dedicated to People and Small businesses on Main Street.
Clients and Information Democracy come first for us, not profits & share prices on Wall Street.

Serving the Internet community since 2004 - © All Rights Reserved

Selasa, 23 April 2024

Pelajari lebih lanjut Persyaratan Layanan kami yang diperbarui


Kami akan memperbarui Persyaratan Layanan kami pada 22 Mei 2024, jadi kami ingin memberi tahu Anda terlebih dahulu.

Perubahan ini tidak akan memengaruhi cara Anda menggunakan layanan kami, tetapi perubahan ini dapat membantu mempermudah Anda memahami apa yang dapat Anda harapkan dari Google — dan apa yang kami harapkan dari Anda — saat Anda menggunakan layanan kami.

Anda dapat melihat persyaratan baru di sini. Kami juga merangkum perubahan di bagian bawah email ini.

Apa yang perlu saya lakukan?

  • Jika Anda di bawah usia yang disyaratkan untuk mengelola Akun Google Anda sendiri:
    • Kami mengirimkan email ini kepada orang tua atau wali Anda agar dia bisa membantu Anda memahami pembaruan kami dengan lebih baik.
    • Diskusikan email ini dengan orang tua atau wali Anda untuk memutuskan apakah Anda perlu melakukan perubahan pada akun Anda.
  • Jika Anda adalah orang tua atau wali, dan Anda mengizinkan anak Anda menggunakan layanan tersebut:
    • Harap tinjau pembaruan persyaratan kami bersama anak Anda dan bantu dia memutuskan apakah dia perlu melakukan perubahan pada akunnya.
    • Perlu diingat bahwa persyaratan ini berlaku untuk Anda dan Anda bertanggung jawab atas aktivitas anak Anda di layanan.
  • Jika Anda adalah administrator akun pendidikan atau perusahaan Google Workspace dan Anda telah mengizinkan pengguna Anda mengakses Layanan Tambahan Google:
    • Persyaratan Layanan kami yang baru tidak akan memengaruhi perjanjian Google Workspace antara Google dan organisasi Anda. Persyaratan baru ini hanya akan berlaku bagi pengguna yang telah Anda beri akses ke Layanan Tambahan Google. Anda selalu dapat mengelola apakah pengguna memiliki akses ke Layanan Tambahan Google, dan layanan mana saja yang dapat diakses, di konsol Admin Anda.
  • Jika Anda adalah reseller Google Workspace yang pelanggannya telah mengizinkan penggunanya mengakses Layanan Tambahan Google:
    • Persyaratan Layanan kami yang baru tidak akan memengaruhi perjanjian Google Workspace Anda dengan pelanggan Anda. Persyaratan baru ini hanya berlaku untuk pengguna dari pelanggan Anda yang telah diberi akses ke Layanan Tambahan Google. Pelanggan Anda selalu dapat mengelola apakah pengguna mereka memiliki akses ke Layanan Tambahan Google, dan layanan mana saja yang dapat diakses, di konsol Admin mereka.
  • Jika Anda adalah pengguna layanan lainnya:
    • Harap baca email ini untuk memahami persyaratan kami yang diperbarui dan opsi Anda untuk tindakan lebih lanjut.
    • Jika Anda menyetujui persyaratan baru, Anda tidak perlu melakukan tindakan lebih lanjut.

Apa yang berubah?

Anda dapat meninjau Persyaratan Layanan Google yang baru di sini. Secara sekilas, berikut hal-hal yang dibahas dalam pembaruan ini:

  • Persyaratan AI Generatif. Kami memindahkan Persyaratan Tambahan AI Generatif kami yang sudah ada ke Persyaratan Layanan utama kami dan menambahkan klarifikasi terkait AI lainnya. Misalnya, kami tidak akan mengklaim kepemilikan atas konten asli yang dibuat oleh layanan kami yang didukung teknologi AI.
  • Informasi lebih jelas tentang aktivitas penyalahgunaan. Kami memberikan lebih banyak contoh dan detail tentang penyalahgunaan dan interferensi yang tidak diizinkan pada layanan kami.
  • Detail selengkapnya tentang batasan kewajiban. Bagi pengguna di luar Amerika Serikat, kami menambahkan klarifikasi pada bagian batasan kewajiban dan perlindungan terhadap kerugian untuk menghindari kesalahpahaman sehubungan dengan hukum atau adat istiadat setempat.
  • Informasi lebih jelas tentang sengketa. Kami mengklarifikasi bahwa jika Anda melanggar persyaratan kami, upaya hukum kami tidak terbatas pada penangguhan atau penghentian akses Anda ke layanan, tetapi dapat mencakup upaya hukum lainnya berdasarkan hukum yang berlaku. Jika terjadi masalah atau sengketa di antara kita terkait persyaratan ini, Anda akan diberi kesempatan untuk menjelaskan dan mengatasinya.
  • Pembaruan untuk mencerminkan cara kerja layanan kami. Kami menambahkan informasi terkait cara kerja layanan kami, dan memperbarui nama merek layanan Google tertentu yang telah berubah dari waktu ke waktu.
  • Hanya untuk pengguna yang berada di Wilayah Ekonomi Eropa (EEA):

Jika Anda tidak menyetujui persyaratan baru, Anda sebaiknya menghapus konten Anda dan berhenti menggunakan layanan. Anda juga dapat mengakhiri hubungan Anda dengan kami kapan saja, tanpa penalti, dengan menutup Akun Google Anda.

Terima kasih telah menggunakan layanan Google.

© 2024 Google LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043

Email ini dikirimkan kepada Anda untuk memberitahukan perubahan penting pada Persyaratan Layanan Google.

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Untuk berhenti berlangganan promo dan info menarik dari OVO silahkan klik di sini.

Minggu, 21 April 2024

About your purchase of Advertising on Anoox not completed

This is an automatically generated email. Please do not reply to it.


We noticed the other day you started buying Advertising for your Site but did not complete the purchase!

Why Not! After all, if you want More Traffic and Sales for your Site, you really have 3 Choices:
1- Spend 1000s per Month on Google™, Facebook™, etc. Big Wall Street Media - Great for them not so Good for you
2- Hope and pray that by some Osmosis people will find your Site on the Ocean of Sites that is the World Wide Web
3- Advertise on Anoox the only non-profit Search engine & Social network - BOOST your Site while SAVING BIG on Advertising costs

So GO ahead start your Advertising campaign on Anoox network Today, knowing with FULL confidence this is your Best Buy in Advertising
if you are a Small business. Top reasons this is the Best Buy in Advertising for your Site:

1- Reach Millions of Potential Customers, when they are looking for what you are offering
2- SAVE 50 to 95% on Cost of Advertising, since we are the only non-profit Search engine & Social network Collective
3- FREE to display your Ads - Only pay for Clicks on your Ads for qualified people to come to your Site

*** Cancel any time if you do not find this to be the BEST VALUE in Advertising for your Business - BAR NONE ***
*** We been in business for 10+ Years, putting small businesses 1st - so you know we are a name you can TRUST ***

To Start your Advertising campaign on Anoox to BOOST your Site Traffic while SAVING BIG on Advertising costs, please go here:

And here is another reason to start your Advertising campaign on Anoox network Today - Get 20% Off, by using Customer Code:
NOTE: this is Limited Time offer, expiring within 48 Hours of receiving this email.

+++ CHANGE where you Advertise to a non-profit Search engine & Social network - CHANGE your Business for BETTER - CHANGE the World for BETTER +++

Anoox is a not-profit-driven organization dedicated to People and Small businesses on Main Street.
Clients and Information Democracy come first for us, not profits & share prices on Wall Street.

Serving the Internet community since 2004 - © All Rights Reserved

Rabu, 17 April 2024

Cara Gampang Menangin 100juta OVO Points 💰

Lirik kanan di aplikasi OVO-mu ada icon Catchback berhadiah yang bisa kamu mainin dengan transaksi min. 10rb
 ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ 

Untuk berhenti berlangganan promo dan info menarik dari OVO silahkan klik di sini.

Selasa, 16 April 2024

Setelan verifikasi pembelian Google Play Anda

Senin, 15 April 2024

About your purchase of Advertising on Anoox not completed

This is an automatically generated email. Please do not reply to it.


We noticed the other day you started buying Advertising for your Site but did not complete the purchase!

Why Not! After all, if you want More Traffic and Sales for your Site, you really have 3 Choices:
1- Spend 1000s per Month on Google™, Facebook™, etc. Big Wall Street Media - Great for them not so Good for you
2- Hope and pray that by some Osmosis people will find your Site on the Ocean of Sites that is the World Wide Web
3- Advertise on Anoox the only non-profit Search engine & Social network - BOOST your Site while SAVING BIG on Advertising costs

So GO ahead start your Advertising campaign on Anoox network Today, knowing with FULL confidence this is your Best Buy in Advertising
if you are a Small business. Top reasons this is the Best Buy in Advertising for your Site:

1- Reach Millions of Potential Customers, when they are looking for what you are offering
2- SAVE 50 to 95% on Cost of Advertising, since we are the only non-profit Search engine & Social network Collective
3- FREE to display your Ads - Only pay for Clicks on your Ads for qualified people to come to your Site

*** Cancel any time if you do not find this to be the BEST VALUE in Advertising for your Business - BAR NONE ***
*** We been in business for 10+ Years, putting small businesses 1st - so you know we are a name you can TRUST ***

To Start your Advertising campaign on Anoox to BOOST your Site Traffic while SAVING BIG on Advertising costs, please go here:

And here is another reason to start your Advertising campaign on Anoox network Today - Get 20% Off, by using Customer Code:
NOTE: this is Limited Time offer, expiring within 48 Hours of receiving this email.

+++ CHANGE where you Advertise to a non-profit Search engine & Social network - CHANGE your Business for BETTER - CHANGE the World for BETTER +++

Anoox is a not-profit-driven organization dedicated to People and Small businesses on Main Street.
Clients and Information Democracy come first for us, not profits & share prices on Wall Street.

Serving the Internet community since 2004 - © All Rights Reserved

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