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Huruf “Z” Akan Dihapus Dari Alfabet Bahasa Inggris

Posted: 31 May 2010 03:00 AM PDT

Ada sebuah berita mengejutkan, huruf alfabet akan kehilangan salah satu hurufnya. Pengumuman itu datang dari Komisi Pusat Bahasa Inggris (ELCC).
Setelah mempertimbangkan dan memperdebatkan masalah ini selama lebih dari dua tahun, ELCC akhirnya memutuskan untuk menghapus huruf "Z" dari alfabet Inggris untuk menyederhanakan aspek fonetis bahasa, dan untuk menyatukan ejaan Amerika dan Inggris.
Terus bagaimana nasib kata-kata yang memiliki huruf "z" di dalamnya? Menurut ELCC, kata-kata yang dimulai dengan "z" sekarang akan diganti dengan "x".Contohnya:

* zero menjadi xero
* zoo binatang menjadi xoo
* zone menjadi xone
* zodiac menjadi xodiac

Sedangkan huruf "z" yang bukan sebagai awal kata tetapi dalam kata akan diganti dengan "s". Contohnya termasuk:

* visualize becomes visualise
* analyze becomes analyse
* materialize becomes materialise

Apa pendapat Anda tentang perubahan ini? Apakah itu benar-benar menyederhanakan bahasa Inggris, atau akan hal itu membuat hal lebih membingungkan?
Terus bagaimana dong nasib orang-orang yang ada huruf "z" di namanya? Masa nama teman saya Zein diganti dengan Xein, atau Zaenuddin diganti Xaenuddin, kan jadi tidak keren.
Trus Masa "Zzzzzzzzzz" yang dipakai sebagai isyarat tidur diganti menjadi "Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"?
Indonesia gimana? Mau ikutan juga?

gak tau juga gan jadi apa gak tuh ..

Ternyata Puisi Cinta untuk Ainun di Dunia Maya Bukan Karya BJ Habibie

Posted: 31 May 2010 02:40 AM PDT

Puisi cinta untuk Hasri Ainun Habibie menyebar di dunia maya. Selain dikopi di sejumlah blog, puisi itu juga menjadi pembicaraan di Twitter. Keluarga menyangkal puisi itu merupakan karya BJ Habibie.

"Tidak benar. Ada beberapa alasan yang membuat itu tidak benar," kata juru bicara keluarga Habibie, Watik Pratiknya, kepada detikcom, Kamis (27/5/2010).

Menurut Watik, dengan menyebarnya puisi tersebut ada orang-orang yang mendompleng meski tujuannya tidak jahat. "Ada orang yang mendompleng. Memang nggak maksud jahat. Ya nggak apa-apa. Tapi itu tidak benar (karya Habibie)," jelasnya.

Watik baru mengetahui puisi tersebut dari asistennya. Bahkan baru saja ada seorang kerabat keluarga yang menghubungi dirinya untuk menanyakan kebenaran puisi itu.

Puisi berjudul "Puisi Habibie 'tuk Ainun" ini dikira karya Habibie karena di bawahnya tertulis nama BJ Habibie.

The Habibie Center lewat twitter juga menyangkal puisi itu karya BJ Habibie. @habibiecenter: Puisi yang beredar BUKAN puisi BJH. Hehehe. Ada aja yg iseng yaaa.

Berikut petikan puisi romantis itu:

Puisi Habibie 'tuk Ainun
Ainun… Sebenarnya ini bukan tentang kematianmu, bukan itu.

Karena, aku tahu bahwa semua yang ada pasti menjadi tiada pada akhirnya,dan kematian adalah sesuatu yang pasti, dan kali ini adalah giliranmu untuk pergi, aku sangat tahu itu.

Tapi yang membuatku tersentak sedemikian hebat, adalah kenyataan bahwa kematian benar-benar dapat memutuskan kebahagiaan dalam diri seseorang, sekejap saja, lalu rasanya mampu membuatku menjadi nelangsa setengah mati, hatiku seperti tak di tempatnya, dan tubuhku serasa kosong melompong, hilang isi.

Kau tahu sayang, rasanya seperti angin yang tiba-tiba hilang berganti kemarau gersang.

Pada airmata yang jatuh kali ini, aku selipkan salam perpisahan panjang, pada kesetiaan yang telah kau ukir, pada kenangan pahit manis selama kau ada,aku bukan hendak megeluh, tapi rasanya terlalu sebentar kau disini.

Mereka mengira aku lah kekasih yang baik bagimu sayang,tanpa mereka sadari, bahwa kaulah yang menjadikan aku kekasih yang baik.

mana mungkin aku setia padahal memang kecenderunganku adalah mendua, tapi kau ajarkan aku kesetiaan, sehingga aku setia, kau ajarkan aku arti cinta, sehingga aku mampu mencintaimu seperti ini.

Selamat jalan,
Kau dari-Nya, dan kembali pada-Nya,
kau dulu tiada untukku, dan sekarang kembali tiada.

selamat jalan sayang, cahaya mataku, penyejuk jiwaku,
selamat jalan,calon bidadari surgaku ….


Hati-Hati, Masih Ada 200 Ribu Tabung Gas Rawan Meledak

Posted: 31 May 2010 02:26 AM PDT

Tabung gas palsu ukuran 3 kg yang diproduksi PT Tabung Mas Murni (TMM) berdasarkan hasil penyidikan Direktorat Reserse Kriminal Khusus (Ditreskrimsus) Polda Metro Jaya terindikasi tidak awet, tabung tersebut mudah retak dan gampang bocor. Bahayanya, tabung itu sudah tersebar sebanyak 200 ribu unit ke Jabodetabek sejak rentang waktu Agustus 2009 hingga Desember 2009.

gas elpiji

Kasat Sumdaling (Sumber daya lingkungan) Ditreskrimsus yang menangani kasus PT TMM, AKB Eko Saputro mengatakan tabung buatan PT TMM rentan pecah. "Itu sudah kami buktikan saat menyelidiki kasus ini, saat diperiksa di laboratorium ternyata mudah retak bahkan sampai pecah," ucapnya, Minggu (30/5).

Tabung gas produksi PT TMM yang beralamat di Pengasinan, Tangerang ini memang mengkhawatirkan. Hasil pantauan, tabung gas tersebut sangat ringkih. Hasil uji dari laboratorium yang dilakukan menunjukkan tabung yang berbentuk melon itu pecah saat ditekan pada tekanan 110 kg, harusnya kuat sampai 145 kg. Ketebalan tabung itu sendiri hanya 2,2 cm dari 2,5 cm, bahannya dari baja. Agak sulit memang membedakan tabung itu dari kasat mata. Logo SNI nya juga hanya digrafir, padahal harusnya embos

Menurut Komisaris Antonius Pasaribu, Kanit I Sumdaling yang menangani kasus tersebut karena terbuat dari bahan yang ringkih maka usia pakainya terbatas. "Bisa jadi setahun akan mengalami kerusakan, usia pakainya berkurang, tidak awet, " sebut Anton.

Karena tidak awet, dikhawatirkan tabung gas yang sudah tersebar sebanyak 200 ribu itu rusak atau lebih parah lagi meledak. Diperkirakan dalam waktu enam sampai dua belas bulan mulai timbul masalah dari tabung gas ukuran 3 kg produksi PT TMM.

Pabrik PT TMM dinyatakan memproduksi tabung palsu karena pada bulan Agustus 2009 memproduksi dan mengedarkan sebanyak 200 ribu tabung, kemudian pada Januari 2010 perusahaan tersebut sudah mengantongi izin resmi dari PT Pertamina. Yang dipermasalahkan polisi yakni produksi tabung gas pada rentang waktu Agustus 2009 hingga akhir Desember 2009 itu.

Tiga orang direksi dari PT TMM sendiri sudah dijadikan tersangka dan ditahan di Polda, mereka adalah Raden Rudi Kartono sebagai Direktur Utama, Direktur Operasional, Henda Putra dan Direktur Teknis Yudo Barlian. Menurut pengakuannya mereka sudah memproduksi tabung gas ukuran 3 kg palsu sejak Agustus 2009 hingga Desember 2009. Tabung gas ukuran 3 kg buatan PT TMM juga mendompleng nama PT WI dan ML.

Sumber - Mediaindonesia

Contoh / Example of Hortatory text about "Home Schooling"

Posted: 31 May 2010 02:10 AM PDT

Choosing Home Schooling as Kids Learning

Recently more parents choose to school their children from home. There are the positive aspects of this form of education versus other public and private schools. Homeschooling could be the parent's right choice of learning for the kids

There are a number of reasons as to why parents opt to home school their children. They include:
* Religious reasons.
* Family reasons.
* Poor learning environment at the school.
* Object the lessons of public school.
* The child has a disability or is special needs.
* Transportation issues.
* Public or private school did not challenge the child.
* The child could not get into the desired private school.
* The parents career

So if parents decide that home schooling is the best option for their children, they need to do a little research in finding out what criteria they and their children must meet.

Contoh / Example of Text Hortatory about "Encouraging to Use Mass Transportation"

Posted: 31 May 2010 02:09 AM PDT

Encouraging to Use Mass Transportation

Mass transportation is a kind of transportation system which large numbers of people are carried within a single vehicle. Airplanes, railways, buses, trolleys, light rail systems, and subways are examples of mass transportation systems. This mass transit systems is believed to be the future way which can solve the heavy traffic in the street.

Mass transportation have a number of advantages over private automobile. In many parts of the world, mass transportation is an important component of a nation's transportation system. Where people are too poor to buy automobiles, they depend on bicycles or animals or mass transit systems such as bus lines to travel within a city and from city to city.

Mass transportations such as bus, train, plane are more efficient ways of moving people than the private automobile. For example, a subway system can transport 80,000 passengers per hour. In comparison, an 8-lane freeway can carry only 20,000 passengers per hour. The cost of operating an inter-city bus line typically runs about two cents per vehicle mile, about one-tenth the comparable average for a private automobile.

Mass transit systems also take up much less space than do the highways needed for the movement of automobile traffic. Most urban landscapes today are a vivid testimony to the amount of space required for private automobiles.

To make that mass transportation system works, some experts suggest that forms of mass transportation should be developed. The efforts can be:

  • Setting up van pools for employees in big company areas.
  • Picking up people who live close to each other in small vans and brought to and from work as a group.
  • Having an experiment with dial-a-ride programs which elderly citizens can call to request transportation in a mini-van from one point to another.
  • Attempting to increase the use of mass transportation by imposing high taxes on parking and tolls leading to the city for private automobiles.
  • Developing new subway, trolley, and bus lines, and other alternative forms of mass transportation.

COntoh / Example of Spoof Text in "Weight Loss Program Story"

Posted: 31 May 2010 02:08 AM PDT

Weight Loss Program Story

A man wanted to get the best and most defective weight loss program so he called a company and ordered a 5-day, 10 lb. weight loss program.

The next day, there's a knocked on the door and there stand before him a voluptuous, athletic, 19 year old babe. She dressed in nothing but a pair of Nike running shoes. She introduced herself as a representative of the weight loss company. A sign was around her neck. The sign read, "If you can catch me, you can have me." So without a second thought, he took off after her. However, a few miles later huffing and puffing, he finally gave up. The next four days, the same girl showed up for and the same thing happened. On the fifth day, he weighed himself and was delighted to find he had lost 10 lbs. as promised.

He felt satisfied and called the company and ordered the 5-day/20 pound program.The next day, there was a knock at the door and there stand the most stunning and beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life. She was wearing nothing but Reebok running shoes. The sign around her neck that read, "If you catch me you can have me." Well, he was out the door after her like a shot. This girl was in excellent shape and he did his best, but no such luck. So for the next four days, the same routine happened with him gradually getting in better and better shape. Much to his delight on the fifth day when he weighed himself, he discovered that he had lost another 20 lbs. as promised. Again he felt satisfied with that program.

Then he decided to go for broke and called the company to order the 7-day/50 pound program. "Are you sure?" asks the representative on the phone. "This is our most rigorous program." He replied;"Absolutely,I haven't felt this good in years." So the next day there was a knock at the door. When he opened it he finds a huge muscular guy standing there wearing nothing but pink running shoes. The sign around his neck that read,"If I catch you, you are mine!!!"

Contoh / Example of News Item about "Tombs with Mummy Found in Egypt"

Posted: 31 May 2010 02:03 AM PDT

Tombs with Mummy Found in Egypt

CAIRO – Archaeologists have unearthed 57 ancient Egyptian tombs, most of which hold an ornately painted wooden sarcophagus with a mummy inside, Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities said Sunday.
The oldest tombs date back to around 2750 B.C., during the period of Egypt's first and second dynasties, the council said in a statement.Twelve of the tombs belong the 18th Dynasty, which ruled Egypt during the second millennium B.C. The 18th Dynasty includes such well-known pharaohs as Tutankhamun, Akhenaten and Queen Hatshepsut.
The discovery throws new light on Egypt's ancient religions, the council said.

Newsworthy event; the news of finding of tombs with mummy in Egypt

Background; the tombs has the oldest date around 2750 B.C. It was the period of Egypt's first and second dynasties.

Source; the council said that the finding of the tombs threw new light on Egypt's ancient religions

Contoh / Example of News Item about Badminton National Team

Posted: 31 May 2010 01:58 AM PDT

Taufik Hidayat Quiting National Badminton Team

After 13 years of service, which culminated in an Olympic gold medal, shuttler Taufik Hidayat announced Friday his resignation from the national training camp in Jakarta.

"My decision to resign is final. It's not an impulse or emotional decision. I've been thinking about quitting the national team since 2004, after I won at the Athens Olympics," he said. "However, people kept on encouraging me to stay in the national team, considering my potential and my youth. Therefore I stayed until 2008."

In 2001, Taufik threatened to quit the training camp because of Mulyo's exclusion. Mulyo is his mentor. He only rejoined the national team after the PBSI agreed to reinstate Mulyo. In 2004, Taufik made yet another threat to quit, and again backed down from it.

"It's time for younger players to take the baton. I'm giving way to them. It's all about regeneration in Indonesian badminton," he said.

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