Senin, 15 Maret 2010

Hari Raya Nyepi

Nyepi is a Hindu holiday that is celebrated each new year of Saka. This day falls on a count of Tilem Kesanga (IX) which is a day of purification believe the gods who are in the center of the ocean water Amrita brings the essence of life. For that Hindus worship sacred to them.

Definition and Objectives

Nyepi comes from the quiet (silent, quiet). Nyepi Day is actually a celebration of New Year Hindu berdasarkan calendar / calendar Caka, which began in the year 78 AD. Unlike the Gregorian New Year, New Year in Bali Caka begins with a quiet, from scratch! There are no activities as usual. All activities eliminated, and even public services, such as the International Airport was closed, except for hospitals. The main purpose of Nyepi is pleading before God Almighty, to purify Buwana Alit (human nature / microcosmos) and the Great Buwana / macrocosmos (the universe). Before Nyepi, there are several ceremony rangkainan Hindus (especially in Bali). Here are the details.

Melasti, Tawur (Pecaruan), and Pengrupukan
Three or two day before Nyepi, Hindus perform ritual cleansing with Melasti or called Melis / Mekiyis. On this day, all existing facilities prayers at Temple (shrine) in the procession to the beach or lake, because the sea or lake is a source of holy water (Tirta Amerta) and can cleanse all 'leteh' (dirty) in human beings and nature.

The day before Nyepi, namely the "ping 14 Sasih panglong Kesanga", Hindu ceremony Yadnya Blind at a traffic and environment of each house, by taking one of the types of caru (such offerings) according to his ability. Blind Yadnya respectively called Panca Sata (small), Panca Kinsman (was), and Tawur Great (large). Tawur or pecaruan itself a purification / pemarisuda Buta Kala, and all leteh (impurities) are expected to vanish all. Caru performed at home each consisting of rice overseas (five) colors match numbered 9 / package along with side dishes, like chicken brumbun (colored) tetabuhan with wine / wine. Yadnya blind is addressed to The Blind King, Blind and Kala Kala, by pleading that they not disturb people.

Mecaru followed by pengerupukan ceremony, which is spread spread Tawur rice, torch-obori house and all the yard, house and yard menyemburi with gunpowder, and hitting objects whatever (usually wide band) to quiet noisy / rowdy. This stage is to expel Buta Kala from the home environment, yard, and my surroundings. Particularly in Bali, pengrupukan usually enlivened by a parade of ogoh-ogoh Buta Kala embodies that paraded around the neighborhood, and then burned. The goal at the Buta Kala drive from the neighborhood.

The final stage is Melasti, which washed away all leteh (dirt) into the ocean, and purify pretima. The ceremony was conducted at sea, because the sea is considered as a source of Amrita. No later than the Tilem afternoon, Melasti must be completed.


The next day, ie on 15 ping panglong (or Tilem Kesanga), comes the real Nyepi. On the day of Nyepi is done fasting called "Catur Brata" Penyepian and consists of observing geni (no berapi-api/tidak use and / or the fire), observed the work (not working), observed lelungan (not traveling), and observe lelanguan ( do not listen to entertainment). Brata is done since before sunrise. According to the Hindus, all the things that are transitional, always preceded by a dark omen. For example a baby who will move into the children (1 oton / 6 months), the symbol is realized with 'matekep guwungan' (closed cage of chicken). Women who move from childhood to adult (Ngeraja Sewala), the ceremony was preceded by ngekep (dipingit). So for the new period, followed by a new birth, which really began with a new page white. To start life in Caka / new year too, this base is used, so there is time geni observed.

The essence of the symbol-a symbol of birth was (observed geni), according to the ejection "Sundari Gama" is "memutihbersihkan heartstrings", which is mandatory for Hindus.

Each of the men of knowledge (jnana Tattwa the wruhing) implement Brata (curbing the passions), yoga (connecting people with paramatma (God), tapas (suffering endurance training), and contemplation (unity of God, the ultimate aim is the sanctity of inner and outer).

All of it becomes imperative for Hindus to have the mental preparedness to face any challenge life in the new year. The habit of celebrating holidays with spree, gambling, drinking habits is something wrong and must be changed.

Ngembak Geni (Ngembak Fire)

Final series of the Saka New Year celebration is the day Geni Ngembak which falls on "ping linings (1) Sasih kedasa (X)". On this day of Saka New Year begins. Hindus stay in touch with family and neighbors, I'm sorry forgive each other (ksama) one another. With the new atmosphere, new life will begin with a clean white hearts. So if the year ends each BC December 31, and starts his new year January 1st, the year ended Caka "panglong ping limolas (15) Sasih kedasa (X)", and in his new starting date kedasa Sasih 1 (X).

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